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A search for 'The Hole' gave the following results:

15 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
820 matches in tracks
  1. Ant Hole/Burning The Ant Hole (03:29)
    from Monstrous Movie Music
    From "Them!", composed by Bronislau Kaper
  2. Ant Hole/Burning The Ant Hole (03:29)
    from Mole People, The
    From "Them!", composed by Bronislau Kaper
  3. Ant Hole/Burning The Ant Hole (03:29)
    from Them!
    From "Them!", composed by Bronislau Kaper
  4. Ant Hole/Burning The Ant Hole (03:29)
    from It Came From Outer Space
    From "Them!", composed by Bronislau Kaper
  5. Ant Hole/Burning The Ant Hole (03:29)
    from It Came From Beneath The Sea
    From "Them!", composed by Bronislau Kaper
  6. The Black Hole - Into The Hole (04:52)
    from Black Hole, The
  7. The Black Hole - Into The Hole (04:52)
    from Howard The Duck
  8. The Black Hole - Into The Hole (04:52)
    from Starcrash
  9. The Black Hole - Into The Hole (04:52)
    from You Only Live Twice
  10. The Black Hole - Into The Hole (04:52)
    from Moonraker
  11. Suite 2 (04:10)
    from Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The
    Bridge Game / Puzzled Sheriff / Mrs. Logan / Hole In Garden / Jarvis At Hole / Jarvis Sees Mrs. Logan / Frightened Mrs. Logan / Wister & Mrs. Logan
  12. Suite 3 (05:14)
    from Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The
    Wister At Grave / Wister and Jarvis / Jarvis & Car / Jarvis Filling Hole #1 / Jarvis Filling Hole #2 / Something Buried / Dead Dog
  13. Be A Man (03:18)
    from Any Given Sunday
  14. Way Down In The Hole (04:26)
    from Big Time
  15. Beyond The Spy-Hole (01:34)
    from Amen.
  16. Hole (02:25)
    from Namgeuk-ilgi
  17. Down The Hole (01:00)
    from Alice In Wonderland
  18. Pin Hole (04:21)
    from Rokugatsu No Hebi
  19. What an Ice Hole (00:26)
    from Batman: The Animated Series
  20. Into The Hole (04:47)
    from Komodo
Show all 820 matching tracks